Series Nº 16682 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Arbitration

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

ar·bi·tra·tion (n.):
a legal process for those who know that they’ll lose any jury case.

Series Nº 16681 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Mediocrity

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

me·di·oc·ri·ty (n.):
1. the person who owns this;
2. the person wearing this shirt.

Series Nº 16680 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – End User License Agreement

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

end us·er li·cense a·gree·ment (n.):
a document that you’ll never read, and that strips you of all the legal rights you assumed you had.

Series Nº 16679 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Mindfulness

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

mind·ful·ness (n.):
1. a 99¢ app for those without the time, dedication, or patience to meditate;
2. a futile exercise for people without the time, patience, or knowledge to meditate properly.

Series Nº 16678 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Second Headquarters

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

sec·ond head·quar·ters (n.):
1. a new corporate campus based in a city that offers the biggest tax break that its citizens cannot afford;
2. a new corporate campus based in the same city as its workaholic CEO’s vacation home.

Series Nº 16677 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Social Media

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

so·cial me·di·a (n.):
1. you do all of the work, while we make all of the money;
2. a company that knows more about you than you do about yourself;
3. a place for telling the whole world about personal problems that you’d never tell your closest family and friends;
4. a company that willingly sells your personal information to literally anyone.

Series Nº 16676 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Privacy Policy

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

pri·va·cy pol·i·cy (n.):
a document used by those who want to violate your right to privacy.

Series Nº 16675 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Mutual Fund

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

mu·tu·al fund (n.):
a way for financial professionals to profit from your money, yet still underperform the market average.

Series Nº 16673 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Index Fund

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

in·dex fund (n.):
a convenient way to invest in a bunch of companies without having to worry about the ethically questionable things that they’re doing.

Series Nº 16672 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – That’s Interesting

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

that’s in·ter·est·ing (phr.):
a British statement used to express genuine interest.

Series Nº 16671 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Let’s Do Lunch

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

let’s do lunch (phr.):
a statement used in Los Angeles meaning ‘let’s not…’.

Series Nº 16670 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Twitter

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

twit·ter (adj., n. & v.):
1. like a twit, but only more so;
2. gossip;
3. hearsay;
4. failed haiku;
5. truth and lies, but mainly lies;
6. scandal in everything, including name;
7. screaming into the void;
8. trying to talk directly to a single person, but accidentally missing;
9. a failure to communicate;
10. attempting to reduce the profound beauty and complexity of the universe to a few lines of drivel.

Series Nº 16668 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Emoji

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

e·mo·ji (n.):
1. a form of writing used by people who have forgotten how to use their own words;
2. a system of communication for people who have forgotten how to use their own words.

Series Nº 16667 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Exclamation Mark

ex·cla·ma·tion mark (n.):
1. a form of punctuation used by people who have forgotten how to write with any nuance;
2. a! form!! of! punctuation!!! used! by! people!!! who! have! forgotten!! how! to! write!! with! any! nuance!!!!!!!!;
3. a form of punctuation used by people who are trying to feign excitement;
4. a form of punctuation used by people who are trying to feign excitement in others.

Series Nº 16666 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Support Our Troops

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

sup·port our troops (phr.):
1. an empty statement used to imply action, rather than actual action;
2. better them, than us;
3. better you, than me.