When most people think of technology, they think of Silicon Valley. But every part of civilization from the very beginning is a form of technology: including fire, the wheel, and taxes. Fortunately, there’s no need to worry about the self-proclaimed technologists of Silicon Valley, because they’ll cost half as much tomorrow, be hacked in three weeks’ time, and be completely redundant and unsupported in six months’ time. By the way: did you know that someone in Silicon Valley recently invented the ‘pencil’?

Good Enough
Series Nº 16227
Are you shy? Do you have an inferiority complex? Do you any lack any semblance of self-esteem? Are you British? Do family, friends, and colleagues not take you seriously enough? Or are you just trying to hint to the rest of your project team that it’s time to wrap things up? Then this design is for you. And the more times you buy it, the better you’ll feel about yourself.

Social Media Product
Series Nº 16238
Social media: perhaps the most brilliant business model ever devised. Why? Because you do all of the work, you assume all of the risk, and they make all of the money.
Not only that, but you also tell them things that you wouldn’t even tell your closest friends and family. That way, social media companies end up knowing more about you than you even know about yourself. But that’s not all: not only are you the product, you’re also the targeted consumer. And since social media companies know you so well, they also know how to manipulate you into spending as much money as possible. Funny, that.
The solution? Deny social media companies your hard-earned money by buying one of our useless designs instead. Or better yet: buy all of our designs. Think of your misplaced investment in us as a way of wasting your money more effectively.