We take humour very seriously. In our experience, most of the profoundly philosophical observations on life can be found in one place: the cartoons section of any newspaper. And many of the funniest and most absurd statements are made by people who are trying to be serious. Perhaps the demise of the newspaper industry explains why the world is so tragically funny today. In an attempt to make the world a more serious place, we offer our own collection of humorous humour for purchase.

Comedy can be Cruel
Series Nº 16206
Comedy can be cruel. It’s what makes the pen mightier than the sword. It’s what cuts tyrants down to size. For the most part, comedy may seem out of place. But it’s also the best way to distill the absurdity of everyday life into something cogent. Comedy is the most underrated and under-appreciated form of philosophy. Enough said. Now buy the damn design.

Not Funny
Series Nº 16237
Do you have no sense of humour? Do you easily take umbrage at things that other people say? Or are you just looking for a way to downplay others’ expectations before revealing how hilarious you really are? Then this design is for you. Better still, buy one for a family member, a friend, or a loved one. The more you buy, the more seriously people will take you.