Good design is a visual delight, and a pleasure to use. You’re not going to find any of that nonsense here. Instead, prepare yourself for an assault on your visual senses. And for artwork that’s been declared a crime against humanity by several major international organizations. Strike fear and revulsion into the hearts of your family and friends by buying one of our Uselesstuff® Design designs.

Series Nº 16232
The placeholder: a humble device used by designers across the world, as they wait for the real content to arrive. And in many cases, the placeholder is better and more meaningful than the actual content itself. [Note: Add florid description here that convinces people to buy this pointless design.] [Note: Remember to remove previous note before publishing online.] So buy, buy, buy.

Strange Colours
Series Nº 16235
Colour: there are few other things in life that evoke such strong emotions and memories. Even the mention of a colour’s name sets the mind racing. And that’s where our designs can help. Only by disassociating a colour from its name can you truly be free.