Series Nº 16665 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Terrific

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

ter·rif·ic (adj.):
a word used to make terrifying things sound wonderful instead.

Series Nº 16664 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Stunning

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

stun·ning (adj.):
an adjective used to stun any ability for rational logic or critical thinking out of people.

Series Nº 16663 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Incredible

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

in·cred·i·ble (adj.):
difficult to believe that it’s true, because it isn’t.

Series Nº 16662 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Real Estate Agent, Realtor

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

re·al es·tate a·gent, re·al·tor (n.):
someone you pay to help sell your house at an inflated price, only to realize that you’ll have to pay them again to buy another house that you can no longer afford.

Series Nº 16661 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Powerpoint

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

pow·er·point (n.):
1. the most powerful sedative known to humanity;
2. the most powerful narcotic (2,4,6-trinitroboring) in the known universe.

Series Nº 16660 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – But Wait… There’s More!

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

But wait… there’s more! (phr.):
No… there isn’t.

Series Nº 16657 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Gambler

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

gam·bler (n.):
a person who knows that the odds are stacked against them, but still thinks that they’re going to win.

Series Nº 16652 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Rationalization

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

ra·tio·nal·i·za·tion (n.):
1. the reasoning that you’re currently thinking up to justify the unnecessary purchase of this product;
2. the reasoning that you’re currently thinking up to justify the unnecessary purchase of this shirt.

Series Nº 16651 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Real Life, Reality

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

re·al life, re·al·i·ty (n.):
an antiquated system no longer supported by many companies in Silicon Valley.

Series Nº 16650 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Artificial Intelligence

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

ar·ti·fi·cial in·tel·li·gence (n.):
SEE artificial stupidity.

Series Nº 16649 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Photograph

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

pho·to·graph (n.):
1. an unspoiled selfie;
2. an accidental selfie taken with a phone pointing the wrong way round;
3. a selfie taken by an old person holding their phone the wrong way around.

Series Nº 16648 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Otherie

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

oth·er·ie (n.):
an accidental selfie taken with the camera pointing the wrong way round.

Series Nº 16647 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Selfie

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

self·ie (n.):
1. a blemish on an otherwise-decent photograph;
2. taking a photograph of yourself facing away from the thing that you’re actually meant to be looking at.

Series Nº 16646 – Uselesstuff® Dictionary – Commentator

All words have meaning. There are formal definitions that you’d find in a reputable dictionary. And then there are the real definitions: the ones that remain unspoken. That’s why the Uselesstuff® Dictionary exists.

com·men·ta·tor (n.):
someone whose brain and mouth operate independently of one another.