As everyone knows, the world is made up of exactly fifty nations. These nations have exotic-sounding names, varying all the way from ‘Alabama’ to ‘Wyoming’. Any mention of mythical lands like ‘Canada’, ‘México’, or others further afield are mere legend and heresay. But for those of you who insist that these magical places exist, we’ve set aside a collection of designs to cater to your deluded imaginations. Just keep in mind that you’ll have to pay with real money, not with pretend currencies like ‘pounds’.

Sorry Maple Leaf
Series Nº 16219
Are you Canadian, or an American travelling overseas who would like to keep a low profile? Then this shirt is for you. What could be more patriotic than a maple leaf emblazoned with Canada’s official greeting? Now available in five languages: Cree, Inuktitut, Dëne Sųłıné, Français, and even English. Better still, buy all five.

Canadian Maple Leaf Eh
Series Nº 16220
Are you Canadian? Are you tired of wasting seconds every day by having to end every sentence with an obligatory ‘eh’, eh? Then this remarkable timesaving device is for you. Simply wear this shirt, and look forward to treasuring all that extra spare time you’ll now have in your busy life. Eh.

Austrian Flag Mate
Series Nº 16221
Austria: A nation of great beauty and sophisticated culture. Where else can you go skiing in the Alps during the day, and then waltz the night away? If you want to show your patriotism – or have just run out of ideas for thoughtful gifts to buy other people – then this shirt is for you. [A word of caution: if you don’t like dancing, avoid anyone named Matilda.]