Comedy can be Cruel

Series Nº 16206

Comedy can be cruel. It’s what makes the pen mightier than the sword. It’s what cuts tyrants down to size. For the most part, comedy may seem out of place. But it’s also the best way to distill the absurdity of everyday life into something cogent. Comedy is the most underrated and under-appreciated form of philosophy. Enough said. Now buy the damn design.

Keywords: uuselesstuff, useless, parody, comedy, cruel, satire, critic, cynic, humour, philosophy

Comedy can be Cruel – Standard (Black)

Design Nº 16206-0001-BLT

This design will print well on most light and colour backgrounds. It’s for sale on:

Comedy can be Cruel – Standard (White)

Design Nº 16206-0001-BDK

This design will print well on most dark and colour backgrounds. It’s for sale on: